Sunday morning Bible Class
Bible Class is for young people in Year 8 upwards and takes place in the coffee lounge from 10.30am to 11.20am.
Each Sunday morning the session begins with some food, games and then a short study of God's word and the amazing story of His love for us.
All welcome!

Youth Fellowship
Youth Fellowship is for young people in Year 8 upwards and meets each Sunday evening in the lounge from 6.45pm until 8.15pm. There are also many trips and activities throughout the year, including a Youth Fellowship weekend away. Why not chill out and enjoy some fellowship while learning more about God's love for you.
First Dromara Boys' Brigade Company
The object of The Boys' Brigade is "The advancement of Christ's Kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards true Christian manliness." The Brigade meets on Wednesday evenings with the Anchor Boys (P2-4) meeting in First Dromara,the Junior Section (P5-7) in Second Dromara Church Halls, and the Company Section (year 8 plus) in the First Dromara Hall.

First Dromara Girls' Brigade Company
First Dromara GB Company teaches young girls to 'Seek, Serve and Follow Christ', and meet on Thursday evenings. Tinies and Explorers (Age3 - P4) meet from 6.45 - 7.45pm, Juniors (P5-7) meet from 6.45 - 8.15pm and Seniors and Brigaders (Year 8 plus) meet from 7.45 - 9.15pm.
IGNITE and SYNC Youth Club
Ignite is for children in P4-P7 and takes place each Friday night from 7pm to 8.30pm in the main hall. There are fun games, trips away and a weekly epilogue, as well as pizza and ice-cream nights and the weekly tuck shop. Sync is for young people in Year 8 upwards from 8.30pm to 10pm. All welcome!