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"Go into all the world and proclaim

the gospel to the whole creation. "

Mark 16:15

 The church has an awesome message. 


Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  John 10:7-11. 


To not tell others this Good News would be selfish.  That is why we as a church support missionary organisations, and that is why we encourage our members to be involved in summer outreach teams.  


Summer Outreach
Many of our young people are involved in summer outreach camps and missions with various organisations throughout the summer months.   You can read more about their summer adventures in our church magazine by clicking here.

How will you spend this summer? Have you considered serving on a mission team?  Speak to one of the youth leaders for more information on how to get involved

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Dromara Connect

Supported by the local churches, Dromara Connect runs events in the local area, with the aim of spreading the Good News of Jesus throughout the Dromara District. 

Click on the Connect logo to find out more.


Dundalk Presbyterian Church
Statistically, Northern Ireland is one of the most evangelised nations in Europe and the Republic of Ireland is one of the least.  Dundalk has around 40, 000 people living in it and has just one Presbyterian Church.  As a congregation we have been pleased to be able to partner with Dundalk on a number of occasions; some of our young folk have led praise at their Harvest Services and their minister Rev Jonathan Porter has conducted worship at our Harvest Service.  Last year a team from 1st Dromara held a Bible Club there which was a blessing for all involved.  Click here for a video highlighting the Bible Club

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Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to show God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Since 1990, more than 168 million children in over 160 countries have experienced God's love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child.  As a congregation we  fill shoeboxes every year which are collected during our harvest services.


BCM International NI (Bible Centred Ministries)
BCM NI is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus with children through camps, discipleship groups and bible clubs. Their vision is; 'For more and more children and young people to know, love and obey God.' Jason and Gemma Hill are the Camp Directors at Mullartown House in Annalong where hundreds of children and young people will attend camp over the summer months each year. As well as summer camps, there are weekend groups staying at Mullartown throughout the year, camp reunions and weekly discipleship groups for teens. Lots of our young people from 1st Dromara have enjoyed camps at Mullartown in recent years, and Joy Spiers has served as a leader at Merge camp.  For more information click on the BCM logo.


Asia Link
AsiaLink are an adventurous and passionate mission organisation reaching people who have never heard the gospel before. They believe that the power of Jesus can transform every Asian life. AsiaLink seek to inspire, challenge and encourage other Christians and Churches to engage with exciting opportunities to partner with God's work in Asia. As a Church we have enjoyed having Gordon and Beth from AsiaLink to share about countries such as India, Mongolia and Bhutan. Jonathan Rodgers from our congregation had the opportunity to serve on a team to Asia in 2023.

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Revival Movement Association​

Based just down the road from our Meeting House, Revival Movement Association prints and distributes Gospel Literature throughout the world.  Last year, literature was printed in over 95 languages and sent to over 170 countries. 1st Dromara members, Jonathan Rodgers and David McClintock, both work for Revival Movement Association and are always keen to talk about the work of the mission


European Mission Fellowship

Europe is now the least evangelised continent on earth with fewer than 2.5% of the population being Bible believing Christians. EMF are a fellowship of churches and individuals networking together to support more than 100 people across 20 countries in Europe. Our previous Minister Scott Moore is now the Director of EMF. We support Tobias and Julie Haslund-Thomsen along with their son Samuel in Denmark. Tobias leads a Church plant in the city of Aarhus. He hopes to establish a strong, healthy and biblical Church in this extremely secular city. To read more about the work Tobias is involved in click on the EMF logo.

CEF Europe - Philip and Denise Annett
Philip and Denise are the Directors of leadership and ministry development within CEF Europe. They are involved in running online teacher training courses, helping people across Great Britain learn how to teach the gospel to children more effectively. Denise also writes materials for CEF which gets translated to many different languages and used in countries all over Europe. Philip has been recovering from a bad stroke in 2022 and is now glad to be getting back into ministry. He has been busy speaking at a number of youth events recently including Banbridge Academy SU weekend and Friends School SU.  Click on the CEF logo to read more.


Open Doors

Every day millions of Christians risk their lives to follow Jesus. In more than 70 countries, Open Doors supports them by supplying Bibles, providing emergency relief and helping persecuted believers stand strong for the long term. In the UK and Ireland, Open Doors helps the Church to pray, give and speak out for those who share our faith but not our freedom. As we support Open Doors, we help persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. We have been challenged as Chris Phillips has come along to our Church to do 'Secret Church' with us, giving us an insight into the difficulties faced by many believers around the world.


MERF Middle East Reformed Fellowship

MERF is an evangelical Christian Missionary organisation which serves in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia on behalf of reformed Churches and believers worldwide. They seek to bear fruit for the kingdom of Christ and strengthen national churches with ministries of evangelism, church extension, biblical training and diaconal aid.

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